Ayahuasca Retreat | April
to Apr 6

Ayahuasca Retreat | April

This mini retreat is a chance for deep individual medicine work, with a strong emphasis on practices designed to awaken the full potential of the medicine inside of ceremony, as well as support the integration of all aspects of our higher selves into our daily lives.

Benefit from working with one of the most experienced, professional and gifted shamans, initiated into nearly all of the world’s traditions of shamanism.

This is a small group setting of no more than four participants. Special requests for customization toward various spiritual traditions, practices and healing intentions are welcome for consideration.

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Tantra 2 (online) | April
to Apr 20

Tantra 2 (online) | April

In this second Tantra retreat we will explore and work with the practices from one of the primary Tantric texts- the 8th Century Vigyana Bhairava.These practices will open up your energy in extremely deep and profound ways, allowing you access to the Immanent nature of the Goddess, and the Transcendental nature of God. This primary Tantric association is understood, thereafter to be All That Is- yourself included.

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Ayahuasca Retreat | May
to May 4

Ayahuasca Retreat | May

This mini retreat is a chance for deep individual medicine work, with a strong emphasis on practices designed to awaken the full potential of the medicine inside of ceremony, as well as support the integration of all aspects of our higher selves into our daily lives.

Benefit from working with one of the most experienced, professional and gifted shamans, initiated into nearly all of the world’s traditions of shamanism.

This is a small group setting of no more than four participants. Special requests for customization toward various spiritual traditions, practices and healing intentions are welcome for consideration.

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Ayahuasca Retreat | July
to Jul 13

Ayahuasca Retreat | July

This mini retreat is a chance for deep individual medicine work, with a strong emphasis on practices designed to awaken the full potential of the medicine inside of ceremony, as well as support the integration of all aspects of our higher selves into our daily lives.

Benefit from working with one of the most experienced, professional and gifted shamans, initiated into nearly all of the world’s traditions of shamanism.

This is a small group setting of no more than four participants. Special requests for customization toward various spiritual traditions, practices and healing intentions are welcome for consideration.

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Ayahuasca Retreat | August
to Aug 10

Ayahuasca Retreat | August

This mini retreat is a chance for deep individual medicine work, with a strong emphasis on practices designed to awaken the full potential of the medicine inside of ceremony, as well as support the integration of all aspects of our higher selves into our daily lives.

Benefit from working with one of the most experienced, professional and gifted shamans, initiated into nearly all of the world’s traditions of shamanism.

This is a small group setting of no more than four participants. Special requests for customization toward various spiritual traditions, practices and healing intentions are welcome for consideration.

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Tantra 3 (online) | August
to Aug 24

Tantra 3 (online) | August

In our third Tantra retreat, we’ll learn about ‘Das Mahavidya’: The Ten Wisdom Goddesses. Be introduced and initiated into the ‘Das MãhãVidya’- the retinue of Kali. These extremely powerful Goddesses are the embodiment of all the subtle aspects of Shakti- the Supreme Cosmic Energy. These practices are designed to cut the root of Identification with the small self and awaken to the truth of your Being as the Goddess Herself.

We will also learn how to start working with the Shri Yantra- Mother of all the Yantras, and symbolic representation of all levels of Reality.

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Ayahuasca Retreat | September
to Sep 7

Ayahuasca Retreat | September

This mini retreat is a chance for deep individual medicine work, with a strong emphasis on practices designed to awaken the full potential of the medicine inside of ceremony, as well as support the integration of all aspects of our higher selves into our daily lives.

Benefit from working with one of the most experienced, professional and gifted shamans, initiated into nearly all of the world’s traditions of shamanism.

This is a small group setting of no more than four participants. Special requests for customization toward various spiritual traditions, practices and healing intentions are welcome for consideration.

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Ayahuasca Retreat | October
to Oct 5

Ayahuasca Retreat | October

This mini retreat is a chance for deep individual medicine work, with a strong emphasis on practices designed to awaken the full potential of the medicine inside of ceremony, as well as support the integration of all aspects of our higher selves into our daily lives.

Benefit from working with one of the most experienced, professional and gifted shamans, initiated into nearly all of the world’s traditions of shamanism.

This is a small group setting of no more than four participants. Special requests for customization toward various spiritual traditions, practices and healing intentions are welcome for consideration.

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Daoism 3 (online) | October
to Oct 19

Daoism 3 (online) | October

In our third Daoism retreat, we will work with Daoist Sun, Moon and Star Magick. You will be introduced to various ‘star-stepping’ methods whereby you move in ways that bring the energy of the stars directly into your body

We will also learn to invoke the Daoist Masters to deepen and awaken further levels of magical development.

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Ayahuasca Retreat | November
to Nov 5

Ayahuasca Retreat | November

This mini retreat is a chance for deep individual medicine work, with a strong emphasis on practices designed to awaken the full potential of the medicine inside of ceremony, as well as support the integration of all aspects of our higher selves into our daily lives.

You’ll want to grab this date! While every time (literally) is a special time to work with medicine, All Hallows’ Eve, Day Of The Dead, and All Saints Day offer an opportunity to connect with spirits while the veil between the living and dead is thinnest! It’s a very special time for deep ancestral work.

Benefit from working with one of the most experienced, professional and gifted shamans, initiated into nearly all of the world’s traditions of shamanism.

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Introduction To Daoism (online) | March
to Mar 23

Introduction To Daoism (online) | March

Join us online for a weekend retreat! In this first class in a series of three, we will learn Daoist Cosmology, ‘The Three Pure Ones’- Daoist Deities, Daoist Gods, ‘Embryonic Breathing’- return to a state of youth and harmony with this extraordinary practise. The ‘Five Lights’ method of ‘Wuji’ Sitting- a powerful method of qigong, The ‘Golden Light’ Spell- Foundational magical practise, ‘Purifying the Nine Bodies’ Spell, Daoist Earth,Magick, Daoist Chanting- The Big Dipper Sutra- activation and alignment with the Big Dipper Constellation, The Micro-Cosmic Orbit- Part 1- Awakening the ’Small Universe’ within.

This series offers an incredible opportunity to do some of the most profound and powerful explorations of wisdom traditions, from home, with a highly realized teacher! Next up: Daoism 2

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Ayahuasca Retreat | March
to Mar 9

Ayahuasca Retreat | March

This mini retreat is a chance for deep individual medicine work, with a strong emphasis on practices designed to awaken the full potential of the medicine inside of ceremony, as well as support the integration of all aspects of our higher selves into our daily lives.

Benefit from working with one of the most experienced, professional and gifted shamans, initiated into nearly all of the world’s traditions of shamanism.

This is a small group setting of no more than 4 participants. Special requests for customization toward various spiritual traditions, practices and healing intentions are welcome for consideration.

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Ayahuasca Retreat with Peter Aziz
to Mar 5

Ayahuasca Retreat with Peter Aziz

This retreat will be held at Tantraya Center and run by Peter Aziz. The retreat will be a small group of 10-15 for deep healing. We work with Ayahuasca every other night, and potentially with gentler medicines in between. During the day there will be visits to powerful ancient sites, and Voodoo ceremonies, where you will be able to talk with the Lwa through possession, and receive direct healing and blessings from them.

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Introduction To Buddhism (online) | February
to Feb 23

Introduction To Buddhism (online) | February

Join us online for a weekend retreat! In this first class in a series of three, we will learn: The Way of the Buddha- His story, myths and life, Exploration of the Four Noble Truths, Explanation and Exploration of the Threefold Division of the Eightfold Noble Path- Discussions on morality/ethics/generosity/kindness in relation to Samadhi- and the Jhanas- Super-conscious states of being,

Buddhist empowerments, Buddhist prānāyāma- Buddhist Breath Work, Buddhist Chanting- The Heart Sutra, Heart based meditations- Metta Bhavana- Development of Loving Kindness and Tong-Len- the Practice of ‘Giving and Receiving’Anāpānasatī- ‘Mindfulness of Breathing’ and introduction to Vipāssāna- ‘Insight’ meditation

This series offers an incredible opportunity to do some of the most profound and powerful explorations of wisdom traditions, from home, with a highly realized teacher! Next up: Buddhism 2: The Diamond Path Of Vajrayana

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Introduction To Tantra (online) | January
to Jan 26

Introduction To Tantra (online) | January

Join us online for a weekend retreat! In this first class in a series of three, we will learn what Tantra is (and isn’t), empowerment and activation of the Sanskrit Alphabet, Nyasa- Placement of Goddess energy in the body to awaken, enliven, and protect. Chakra activations, empowerments and alignments, Powerful Pranic (Life-force Energy) Practices. How to work with Mantra (many will be given) and Yantra (Geometric visual representations of various God/Goddess energies). Puja- Ritual worship and how to perform simple, at home pujas. Kundalini- What it is (and isn’t), how to work correctly with Her, and safe, powerful and effective methods of raising and working with this Evolutionary Force. 

This series offers an incredible opportunity to do some of the most profound and powerful explorations of wisdom traditions, from home, with a highly realized teacher! Next up: Tantra 2: The Way Of Shiva Shakti.

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Ayahuasca Retreat | January
to Jan 12

Ayahuasca Retreat | January

This mini retreat is a chance for deep individual medicine work, with a strong emphasis on practices designed to awaken the full potential of the medicine inside of ceremony, as well as support the integration of all aspects of our higher selves into our daily lives.

Benefit from working with one of the most experienced, professional and gifted shamans, initiated into nearly all of the world’s shamanic traditions.

This is a small group setting of no more than four participants. Special requests for customization toward various spiritual traditions, practices and healing intentions are welcome for consideration.

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Qi Gong Class
9:00 AM09:00

Qi Gong Class

These classes will cover a broad range of core forms taken from the three main Qi Gong schools; the martial, with its emphasis on physical strength, power and grounding; the medical school, with its emphasis on opening the meridians for healing oneself, and learning to heal others; and the spiritual school, with its emphasis on spiritual liberation.

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Internal Martial Arts Class
9:00 AM09:00

Internal Martial Arts Class

In this ongoing weekly class, we will explore the profound tradition of internal martial arts, from the Taoist tradition of China. These ancient practices are designed to achieve a complete revolution in body, mind and spirit, and its levels of attainment and realisation are equal to those of the yogic, buddhist and vedantic paths of spiritual liberation.

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Ritual and Ceremonial Magick
9:00 AM09:00

Ritual and Ceremonial Magick

Whilst Asia has Buddhism, Taoism and Tantra, The Western hemisphere’s Path to liberation is via Magick, Alchemy, and Hermetics. This ancient Path to Liberation stretches back to before the Dawn of Egypt in an unbroken stream and chain of Transmission, known as the Golden Chain of Homer. Now you too can become part of this ancient Brotherhood of the Magi and learn the fundamental skills, practices and activities of those on the Path of Hermes.

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Qi Gong Class
9:00 AM09:00

Qi Gong Class

These classes will cover a broad range of core forms taken from the three main Qi Gong schools; the martial, with its emphasis on physical strength, power and grounding; the medical school, with its emphasis on opening the meridians for healing oneself, and learning to heal others; and the spiritual school, with its emphasis on spiritual liberation.

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Internal Martial Arts Class
9:00 AM09:00

Internal Martial Arts Class

In this ongoing weekly class, we will explore the profound tradition of internal martial arts, from the Taoist tradition of China. These ancient practices are designed to achieve a complete revolution in body, mind and spirit, and its levels of attainment and realisation are equal to those of the yogic, buddhist and vedantic paths of spiritual liberation.

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Qi Gong Class
9:00 AM09:00

Qi Gong Class

These classes will cover a broad range of core forms taken from the three main Qi Gong schools; the martial, with its emphasis on physical strength, power and grounding; the medical school, with its emphasis on opening the meridians for healing oneself, and learning to heal others; and the spiritual school, with its emphasis on spiritual liberation.

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Internal Martial Arts Class
9:00 AM09:00

Internal Martial Arts Class

In this ongoing weekly class, we will explore the profound tradition of internal martial arts, from the Taoist tradition of China. These ancient practices are designed to achieve a complete revolution in body, mind and spirit, and its levels of attainment and realisation are equal to those of the yogic, buddhist and vedantic paths of spiritual liberation.

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Qi Gong Class
9:00 AM09:00

Qi Gong Class

These classes will cover a broad range of core forms taken from the three main Qi Gong schools; the martial, with its emphasis on physical strength, power and grounding; the medical school, with its emphasis on opening the meridians for healing oneself, and learning to heal others; and the spiritual school, with its emphasis on spiritual liberation.

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Ritual and Ceremonial Magick
9:00 AM09:00

Ritual and Ceremonial Magick

Whilst Asia has Buddhism, Taoism and Tantra, The Western hemisphere’s Path to liberation is via Magick, Alchemy, and Hermetics. This ancient Path to Liberation stretches back to before the Dawn of Egypt in an unbroken stream and chain of Transmission, known as the Golden Chain of Homer. Now you too can become part of this ancient Brotherhood of the Magi and learn the fundamental skills, practices and activities of those on the Path of Hermes.

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Ritual and Ceremonial Magick
9:00 AM09:00

Ritual and Ceremonial Magick

Whilst Asia has Buddhism, Taoism and Tantra, The Western hemisphere’s Path to liberation is via Magick, Alchemy, and Hermetics. This ancient Path to Liberation stretches back to before the Dawn of Egypt in an unbroken stream and chain of Transmission, known as the Golden Chain of Homer. Now you too can become part of this ancient Brotherhood of the Magi and learn the fundamental skills, practices and activities of those on the Path of Hermes.

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Qi Gong Class
9:00 AM09:00

Qi Gong Class

These classes will cover a broad range of core forms taken from the three main Qi Gong schools; the martial, with its emphasis on physical strength, power and grounding; the medical school, with its emphasis on opening the meridians for healing oneself, and learning to heal others; and the spiritual school, with its emphasis on spiritual liberation.

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Thai Massage Practitioner Training
to Apr 20

Thai Massage Practitioner Training

Thai massage is the most comprehensive massage system in the world!

In five fully immersive days you will learn to give a basic but powerfully revitalizing and medicinally effective massage in the front, back and sitting position. From the Northern hills of Thailand, and based in Buddhist, Ayurvedic, Taoist and South East Asian Healing practices and principles, this powerful system of massage incorporates

Mantra, Mudra, Shamanic principles, Shiatsu, Acupressure, Energy work, Yoga stretches and two person manipulations, Chi Nei Tsang (Internal organ sound healing and massage)

A full ‘fill out’ workbook will be provided

About the Instructor: Paul was lead instructor at the world famous ITM massage school from 2000-2003. He trained with many of the old Thai masters whilst they were still around, including Master Chayut, Master Pichet (still teaching), Master Poo, Master Chongkol Setthakorn, and others. He is also a fully trained acupuncturist, yoga instructor, Qi Gong teacher, and full time shaman in a number of disciplines. This is the first training of this kind to be offered by Paul and will be a very special opportunity to dive deep into a powerful healing modality together. The course will include shamanic empowerments to connect you to the lineages and powers of the system.

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Internal Martial Arts Class
9:00 AM09:00

Internal Martial Arts Class

In this ongoing weekly class, we will explore the profound tradition of internal martial arts, from the Taoist tradition of China. These ancient practices are designed to achieve a complete revolution in body, mind and spirit, and its levels of attainment and realisation are equal to those of the yogic, buddhist and vedantic paths of spiritual liberation.

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Qi Gong Class
9:00 AM09:00

Qi Gong Class

These classes will cover a broad range of core forms taken from the three main Qi Gong schools; the martial, with its emphasis on physical strength, power and grounding; the medical school, with its emphasis on opening the meridians for healing oneself, and learning to heal others; and the spiritual school, with its emphasis on spiritual liberation.

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Special Intensive Ayahuasca Retreat | March
to Mar 23

Special Intensive Ayahuasca Retreat | March

Throughout time, the Masters have taught that, in order for true Initiation to take place, one must ‘Die before one Dies’. This is allegorical, but becomes a matter of actual experience in shamanic practice and teachings- one must (somewhat) literally, go through the death and dying process, in order to be truly Reborn.In this retreat we will be exploring this profound, personal and intensely relevant Shamanic Initiation from a variety of deeply personal and experiential perspectives.

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Qi Gong Class
9:00 AM09:00

Qi Gong Class

These classes will cover a broad range of core forms taken from the three main Qi Gong schools; the martial, with its emphasis on physical strength, power and grounding; the medical school, with its emphasis on opening the meridians for healing oneself, and learning to heal others; and the spiritual school, with its emphasis on spiritual liberation.

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Internal Martial Arts Class
9:00 AM09:00

Internal Martial Arts Class

In this ongoing weekly class, we will explore the profound tradition of internal martial arts, from the Taoist tradition of China. These ancient practices are designed to achieve a complete revolution in body, mind and spirit, and its levels of attainment and realisation are equal to those of the yogic, buddhist and vedantic paths of spiritual liberation.

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Ritual and Ceremonial Magick
9:00 AM09:00

Ritual and Ceremonial Magick

Whilst Asia has Buddhism, Taoism and Tantra, The Western hemisphere’s Path to liberation is via Magick, Alchemy, and Hermetics. This ancient Path to Liberation stretches back to before the Dawn of Egypt in an unbroken stream and chain of Transmission, known as the Golden Chain of Homer. Now you too can become part of this ancient Brotherhood of the Magi and learn the fundamental skills, practices and activities of those on the Path of Hermes.

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Qi Gong Class
9:00 AM09:00

Qi Gong Class

These classes will cover a broad range of core forms taken from the three main Qi Gong schools; the martial, with its emphasis on physical strength, power and grounding; the medical school, with its emphasis on opening the meridians for healing oneself, and learning to heal others; and the spiritual school, with its emphasis on spiritual liberation.

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Vipassana Retreat | February
to Mar 1

Vipassana Retreat | February

For seven days, we will learn and practice Vipassana meditation- the Path of Insight.
Whilst the Buddha taught many techniques of meditation to reach full Enlightenment, he stated that the two most necessary components were Metta Bhavana- the practice of Loving-kindness- which we will also explore- and Vipassana.

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