
Transformational, magical, professional, incredible are a few of the words that well up in my heart with immense humility and gratitude for the ceremonies Paul offers. He has a deep connection to the plant medicine and becomes a channel of intuitive wisdom and grace; I highly recommend him for anyone looking for a safe authentic journey into the heart.

Jed, United States

I am extremely blessed to have attended one of Paul’s ceremonies while in Cusco. I wanted to work more with Master Teacher Plants, and yet was extremely scared of having a bad experience. The quality of the experience is dependent on the shaman’s abilities and level of caring, and with good luck I met the real deal– Paul.  In the ceremony I was able to get some serious work done and felt safe the whole time. In a time where plant medicines are gaining more attention, I recommend for others to do the research and seek out a serious shaman of integrity to hold the space, and I have found this in Paul.

J.P., France

Paul is an EXTRAoridary individual!! His profound depth of knowledge is mind blowing and really helps one understand the multitude of what is taking place during his ceremonies. I have soooo much respect for him and and all that he is facilitating! I feel truly blessed to have had him as my shaman for my first ayahuasca journeys. The space for true healing that he holds is pure divine love and so beautiful. His songs keep you grounded in love and are so pristine I seriously wanted to clap after each one! I am so grateful for this individual and his powerful work!! It showed me the direction I want to go and look forward to learning more of the shaman ways! Much love Paul!!! Thank you, Thank you!!!

Melody Warnes, Reno, Nevada, US

It was through beautiful serendipity that I was lucky enough to work with Paul. He is a hollow reed, a divine channel. Looking for a Cuero in Peru is an overwhelming prospect. The culture is particular, esoteric and you run the risk of choosing an indifferent or manipulative shaman. Yet, it seems, even the benevolent guides use rough and visceral animal guides and spirits to facilitate healing. Paul's inspired choice to use the medicine in conjunction with Hindu deities creates a supremely safe and transcendent space, perfect for cleansing not only somatic but also subtle spiritual ailments on the path to liberation. It was as much a treat to pick his brain on such matters of the soul as it was to partake in his ceremony. I pray our paths cross again in this lifetime.

Clay Williams

Paul Diamond has the voice of an angel and the intuition of a guru. A wealth of knowledge and wisdom in his memory banks. His ability to hold the space in ceremony and to comfort and soothe those who need it is unmatched by any other. Sitting in ceremony with Paul was a beautiful experience. He attended to everyone's individual needs perfectly. He took care of us. His vast knowledge of plant medicines and healing modalities from around the world is beyond astounding. He is an excellent shaman and deserves a great deal of respect. If you are considering sitting in an Ayahuasca ceremony I would 100% recommend having Paul as your shaman. He has many years of experience, you will not be disappointed. I will definitely be back to sit with him again.

Jace Dunshee, United States

I feel extremely Blessed to have shared the experience of ceremony with Paul. Although a little fearful of what was to come before we began the way in which Paul held the space was amazingly grounding and allowed for an extremely profound journey with this incredibly healing medicine. I am so grateful for the safety and knowledge he imparted that helped create the perfect environment for this beautiful awakening and hope to continue to honor the medicine and heal further with them in the future.

Jodie, United States

I had an opportunity to participate in 3 ceremonies with Paul as part of a recent 7 day retreat. It was a life changing experience. While the process of integration and learning continues, I have been set on a new course filled with the clear promise of deeper and more meaningful relationships and the feeling God-Love more directly. Paul is an exceptional spiritual leader. His range of knowledge on topics from quantum physics to philosophy to eastern spirits to "what happens when we die" is impressive. To top it off, he puts on a great show filled with songs and chants that will stay inside of you as a reminder of the experience and a laugh out loud sense of humor. He is a truly a lovely soul.

Mike Heal, Munson, New Jersey, US

Paul is simply the best. Unlike any shaman I've worked with. His approach involves teaching as well as healing. He puts everyone at ease by being open to answering any questions first, and helps frame ceremonies with the right state of mind. He emphasizes light and oneness. What I especially love is his own unique approach, he's not just regurgitating what he's learned from someone else, but integrating his education of many cultures into his own style. He work is pure art and it's beautiful. I'm grateful for the love he has and the work he does.

Clarice Annette, United States

It was through beautiful serendipity that I was lucky enough to work with Paul. He is a hollow reed, a divine channel. Looking for a Cuero in Peru is an overwhelming prospect. The culture is particular, esoteric and you run the risk of choosing an indifferent or manipulative shaman. Yet, it seems, even the benevolent guides use rough and visceral animal guides and spirits to facilitate healing. Paul's inspired choice to useI was fortunate enough to share ceremonial space with Paul during my stay in Cusco, Peru in may and june of 2013. I experienced a total of 7 ceremonies within the span of a month, and in all it was quite a professional and powerful space that was held.

Personally, what I experienced in those 7 ceremonies, was highly educational and uplifting in a way that I hadn’t fully anticipated in the beginning of my experience with  Paul. Paul was very grounded in his approach while he taught me what what he knew about developing a beneficial relationship with Aya and all the Divine Goddesses and Gods that Paul  worked with….what a potent space, indeed.

The experience started off subtle-like and with each ceremony I went deeper and deeper through the processes of change within the self. After the 7th ceremony, the shift that I felt within was acutely pronounced, and I felt that the process I went through was exactly how I needed to experience it. I am very greatfull. Paul’s  approach is quite evolutionary in nature, with the intent of merging various aspects of spirituality from all over the globe into a melting pot of purpose, providing entrance into hyper-drive momentum of shift within ones self that carries great potential for refinement of the self into higher levels of expression. Though one can only experience the change they are ready for, the opportunity is there and is quite real.

From my experience, I can say with deep feeling that  Paul has a strong and important connection to the spirit world, and anyone who has the opportunity to work with him is indeed blessed.

Thank you Paul, for doing the work you do, and I hope to continue working with you in the future.

Amede, Canada

Paul Diamond is the only shaman I have met in this lifetime and the experience will make me extremely discerning to whom I apply that title in the future.

In the Sacred Valley of Peru, he held space for a me and a group of 10 people he had never met for three Ayahuasca sessions..Coming from a southeastern US upbringing, I suppose little could have really prepared me for working with this sacred plant medicine; God and this universe were very kind in guiding the dart I threw to land on Paul and El Camino Sagrado.

aul is the most learned man I have yet met in a wide variety of mystical, spiritual and religious traditions and clearly has absorbed and synthesized these with both his intellect and heart to be able to share them and perform his shamanic tasks in the manner he does. He brings a deep love of existence, humanity and our planet to his work and for me, set the bar very high on what it means for someone to call himself a shaman.

During my fairly new journey into the responsibility for my own evolutionary growth which has led me to the Tao, meditation, Sufi mysticism, yoga, the psychedelic realm, shamanism and plant medicines, certain truths have been awakened in my being. I pray that my encounter with Mother Ayahuasca and Paul went a long way toward sealing them upon my soul's heart for all of eternity. Such truths as death isn't real, that is real which never changes, God, Tao, Life, Being or whatever one is comfortable calling it is alive in me and I in It.

The delving into the nature of consciousness and the awareness underlying it is vital work. I am so grateful for Paul's presence among us and for his assistance, wisdom and generosity. In a bit of classic British understatement, it is quite good to be alive.

Doug Sauer

My partner and i spent a lot of time with Paul. We definitely felt a higher power at play when it came to meeting him. The universe gave us all what we needed when we needed it. and for that i am truly thankful and grateful from the deepest part of my soul.

My partner and i flew from Mexico to Peru on a complete whim, listening only to our hearts, in search of the perfect situation to experience Ayahuasca. We put complete faith in the universe that we would find what we were looking for when the time was right. We had been in Peru for a couple of months when nothing we found stuck out to us. So to keep ourselves busy and to experience something new and different we started volunteering. Through that volunteering we

met Paul. I will not bore you with all the details, but the connection was so strong and our lights shone so bright that we all knew this was something bigger than we’d expected.

We spent a lot of time with Paul, we built a strong foundation, and we became friends, good friends, fast. Amede and i had planned to go to Bolivia for a month, even though it was hard to leave our new found love for this person. We all needed some time to settle, We had an interesting time in Bolivia. As individuals we worked on our intentions, and mentally prepared ourselves for the ceremonies we would soon participate in. We arrived back in Cusco on a Saturday morning and the plan was to do our first ceremony on the monday evening. The monday came with knots in my stomach. I had been asking for change and transformation for so very long and i thought, “wow, its finally happening” our whole journey had led up to that day. Or so i thought.

On that sunny cold monday in Cusco i found out i was pregnant. The change and transformation i so desperately wanted had come. But not how i had expected it. I felt so defeated. We decided not participate that evening in the ceremony, and let ourselves connect with our new reality. After a long week, it was time.

hings had changed for me, i was no longer able to drink with everyone but I was extremely blessed that Paul let me sit in the ceremony. I had no idea what to expect. I was nervous, and i was still a bit mad. But i have to say that night once again my life was changed forever. The ceremony was absolutely beautiful. Paul did his ritual, and i watched in awe. Even though i didn’t drink the medicine as i had planned i felt peace in my soul, i could feel the healing benefits from just being in that room. And even though i was still feeling a little resentful that i wasn’t participating, it seemed to vanish. I knew it would help Amede on his path of healing and help him connect with our new reality. By the end I sat in on three ceremonies and Amede participated in seven. It helped us get through the initial shock of our new path and heal us both through each other.

I had to tell you the whole story for my experience to make complete sense. I was so fortunate to have found a friend (Seven) that was going through similar things, as she past on her wisdoms in making me feel more confidant and connected in the path the universe had chosen for us. Amede too, was able to heal and find his place as Paul guided him through.

Paul is bridging a huge gap between eastern and western spiritual practices. He has such a unique approach as an individual,  that it is so obvious he is meant to travel the world teaching and healing. He has found his true calling and it is beautiful beyond words. You simply have to experience it for yourself to see what i am talking about. My partner and i were so very privileged to meet him, that he has have become life long friends. Paul was  a huge part of our 6 month adventure through South America and have changed us forever. It is a real gift for anyone that has a chance to work with Paul. I hope you get to experience his love for the world, for the universe and for all of human kind the way we did. Thank you once again for waking up a deep part of my soul i didn’t even know was sleeping. Love to you.

Gemma, Canada

I had been offered ayahuasca a number of times abroad in the last few years but I knew I had to wait until I got to Peru to experience it in the company of a shaman to help facilitate the experience. I had expectations of what it would look like. The jungle, a native shaman, a group of seekers like myself, and someone who was referred (there are a lot of fakes out there giving inappropriate ceremonies ) What I found was an Englishman named Paul. Paul has a background in yoga, chi gong, tai chi, acupuncture and has studied shamanism for 15 years, different traditions starting in Mongolia, then Nepal, then Peru where is teacher’s teacher took one look at him and said he needed to be an ayahuascero and spread the knowledge and wisdom of this sacred vine from the jungle. Paul’s experience is unique and authentic. It’s not the typical jungle experience, those shamans work with jungle spirits where Paul works with gods and goddesses, deities of you will. He mixes and makes his own medicine and says the ayahuasca taught him how to make it, not his teacher. We set intention and meditate for 45 min before we drink bringing in the deity for protection and intention. It gives us time to mentally prepare, and get into the right space before the journey, we then take the cup of ayahuasca in our hands and meditate with it, and then we drink. Paul says the drink gets worse over time. I agree. He says to hold it down as long as you can, and the journey begins within 20 -45 minutes. The room is black and there is one rule … No talking. Even though you are with a group and may want to help, that’s Paul’s job. Everyone is on their own journey. Just you and mother ayahuasca. The vine is a feminine energy and gives you what you need, not what you want. The journey is about surrendering to her and allowing her to embrace you with unconditional love, but she will show you things you may not want to see. But know it is for your own healing. She is consciousness herself. A force not to try and control. We each had a bucket and a bottle of water next to us because usually there is a purge involved. Throwing up in our western culture is known as bad or that your sick, but in this culture it is very much a cleansing and a beautiful thing. He also says crying, and excessive laughing is also a form of cleansing. Embrace the discomfort and know that everything you see and feel will pass. Nothing lasts.

My journeys:

Everything is shakti, divine energy. Mother ayahuasca has a feminine, nurturing, healing energy as long as you surrender to her.
We meditated and met the Egyptian lion goddess Sekhmet, an incarnation of Kali, the mother.
When I drank, it was pretty gross but lot as bad as I thought. I tried to keep it down like Paul said but my mouth was dry and becoming parched. I closed my eyes and continued to chant internally my own mantra of trust, love, and surrender.

About 10 minutes in, I had to use the bathroom so I went and it started coming out the backend first but I brought my bucket with me because who knows if it would happen from both ends at the same time, I was warned it was not uncommon. As u was sitting there, I felt tingling traveling down my spine, I knew it was beginning so I wanted to get back to my sacred space as sol. As possible. It was a success.

I started to get hot so I took off my hat and jacket and I was told by a friend, sitting up is better because you get the spirit from above and is usually less scary then the ground spirits, but I couldn’t stay seated. I laid down because it started to intensify; visions began.

This is the DMT part of the journey where I was witnessing all kinds of visions and sacred geometry each one connecting to the other experiencing oneness in true form. It was like David Grey art. Everything was colors and shapes shape shifting, moving and flowing from one creation to the next. I kept comi back to my intention of trust love and surrender otherwise she would take over and that can be a scary thing, unless you surrender to her. This is the lesson I learned over and over again. Once I surrendered I felt a warm loving embrace. A friend started throwing up and that’s when I began too. Even in that, I felt connected. I didn’t feel like I purged food but I was cleansing on a spiritual level.

In the jungle they call it jungle television. When you purge is when you get the most intense visions. I would say that’s true in both experiences. This first time, when I was throwing up it was an extension of the the trunk of Ganesha, the elephant god (remover of obstacles). He was filled with jewels on him and around him. It was beautiful stars and serpents were everywhere. I surrendered and laid down after some water which was the only thing I could focus on

I started to become cold so j reached for my jacket but couldn’t see well. There was no way I could figure out how to put it on so I just laid it across my belly and it helped. What didn’t help was the heater breaking.

Paul was singing mantras and different earth songs to bring about different energies and vibrations. It’s his way of communicating with the ayahuasca and letting her do her thing each chant or song can bring you into a different dimension. And it did.

I felt everything in vibration in my body. It was like a roller coaster of vibrating energy. Everything would tighten and I would begin to shiver and then when I reminded myself to surrender I would feel warm and melt into the ground. I felt her in places like on the outside of my left hamstring, left shoulder blade, right side of the neck, and mostly deep in my hips. My hips were so tight, I hold all my tension there. Paul later said its not just my pain or emotion but I am working on healing all women, cultural and ancestral through this pain in my hips. It was so deep that I would try and move and couldn’t. literally paralyzed. But I remembered nothing lasts forever, it too shall pass and surrendered to savasana position until she let me move again.
Just when I thought it was winding down, Paul began chanting again and the vibration continued, more shivering, more tightening, more holding, more surrender. I started to giggle and laugh towards the end because of the realization we are nothing and everything all at the same time and its just simply surrendering that provides comfort and ease in any and all situations. For example, at one point I thought someone grabbed a hold of my foot, it was taking over, crawling up my leg, I began to panic, and then surrendered and the sensation quickly vanished. Just like that.

I saw white light and beauty and began to smile and laugh. In my meditation and yoga practice I get moments of becoming the witness, the watcher, and my ego/mind is separated from consciousness itself but never this long and never in the form of visions, sensations, colors, shapes, vibrations, and music.

My good friend Nick used to tell me stories of ayahuasca and explain it to me but I never fully understood him until now. He would say “Randi, I hve never been more convinced that this life we live is not reality. “

Paul began to ground us with jungle tobacco. He asked everyone come to a seat, but I couldn’t because of my hips. He got low, and blew the tobacco into my head and into my hips and wa- la I was able to sit up. That’s when we all bursted into laughter, I’m pretty sure it was all because of the same thing. Pure amazement and a little bit more enlightened if you will. An understanding based off experience alone. Everyone stopped but I couldn’t I kept laughing and laughing… A purge Paul would call it. We had tea and fruit after. All I could do was hold a plum in one hand and strawberries in the other hand as if it were a cold stone in my hand after a hot yoga class. It felt so good. Then I ate it. We all cleaned our buckets out but first looking at what we purged. That was fun! Then we got in a taxi and headed back to the hostel.
The whole next day I felt different, a lot of layers were shed and I felt lighter. I was still a little outside my body but that’s to be expected.
Wow! Oh what a night….. Little did I know only 4 days later I would be going for round II. Paul says every experience can be similar or extremely different, the best thing to do is have 0 expectations. You can apply that to everything in life so you won’t feel disappointed.


The second time around I was just as nervous as the first time, maybe even more so. This time we fasted all day as a part of our training ( apparently not necessary, the medicine will only hit you harder ) and Paul led us in a chi gong practice which already had us floating.
My intention this time came in another set of 3 words. Release, relax, and embrace. So I did. We had more people this time around and it was in our hostel so it was a different energy. I made myself a cozy spot and made sure I would be warm. Yoga mats, blankets, bucket, and a bottle of water and was good to go.
This time he led us into meditation to meet Siva, the destroyer. Siva is my guy and already have a relationship with him through mantra and study, so it felt comforting to have him there for protection. Love. Everything is love. Everything. Its all about how open you are to receive that love. There is no void of it. You can access it all the time if you are open to the channel and can surrender into it an allow it to wrap you up in its unconditional embrace. I felt connected and was highly involved in everyone’s experience. I knew what they were letting go of and was encouraging them from afar. I was just in a nurturing loving energy and embraced them in addition to mother ayahuasca so she could embrace me. I connected with chuck and his ancestry of anger and felt him letting go of it and cheered him along the way (silently of coarse) I connected with Heidi’s dad who had passed away and felt she was just blissing out. I gave Jodi, Jed and Erica and large loving hug from afar. I connected with people outside the circle. Everyone in the training, Nick, Ananda and Coby specifically.

I felt breathed by the medicine. I puked but it was all medicine and nothing else because I was fasting all day. I let her do her work. Her healing and encouraged her along the way as I was conscious about the work she was doing. The jungle television was awesome this time around. I call it a serpent swan. White and black with red wings and a red tongue. I was that. I am that. We are all a part of everything and everyone because we are one. My hips weren’t being targeted this time around it was mostly the lower back but towards the end the work was done on my hips and I couldn’t move them again. Paul had to ground me from the floor once again. I felt a sharp poking in the back of my head. As if she was reprogramming my brain. It felt like the inside of a watch. Turning, tweaking, lubricating. It was amazing to see. There was a serpent energy throughout the experience moving, slithering, gliding, flowing, healing…. Taking over. Showing me I have no control and to surrender once again. When Paul grounded me I still didn’t feel she was finished with me. Part of me wanted to throw up again but i think i was resisting because i couldn't be bothered. After the ceremony was done we had fruit and we had a cuddle puddle and we all closed our eyes together and again the serpent took us on a journey About an hour later I still felt disoriented but went to bed. The following days I continued to feel out of my body, my notion is that he grounded us too soon and she wasn’t done her work. The bucket was all medicine as I was cleaning it out and again a laughter came over me. I am looking forward to taking more of these journeys and studying with Paul and doing ayahuasca yoga retreats. Once you experience consciousness herself…. She leaves you wanting more!
This is true medicine of the jungle practiced for 1000s of years. A true healing on a level that can not be explained unless experienced happens with this magical vine. Just when I thought life couldn’t get better then this … The mother comes and shows you real beauty.
If your interested in this experience, please get in touch by responding to this post or emailing randi@suryaflow.com.

Love and Sunshine
Surya, USA