Ancestor Magic: Honouring And Working With The Ancestors
Ancestor Magic: Honouring And Working With The Ancestors
It is said that on Halloween- All Hallows’ Eve...the Veil between the Living and the Dead is thinnest....
On this Day Of the Dead, Tantraya Mystery School warmly invites you to a day of working with and Honouring your Ancestors.
Across many cultures and traditions, the ‘Ones that Came Before’ are believed to be the easiest and most willing to be of service in all the Spirit Realm. The Ancestors know you and love you, and wish to be of help.
First, however, we must purge our Line of Negative Karma...
In this 1 day workshop
You will learn
How to release Ancestral Karma
How to safely work with the Psychopomp Guides that rule the realms of the Dead
Meditation, Divination and other tools to open the doors of Communication between the Worlds
How to build and work with Ancestral Alters
Offerings and powerful prayers for Honouring the Ancestors
Ancestor Magic- helping the Ancestors help You through spells, conjurations, spirit-pots and more!
We look forward to seeing you...
About the Instructor: Paul Diamond has initiated and worked deeply in various streams of Shamanic, Tantric, Yogic, Taoist and Sufi mysticism. He holds multiple degrees including an BSc in Chinese Medicine and a Masters in the Study of Mysticism and Religious Experience. Paul offers a unique experience-base and perspective, bridging spiritual and scientific understandings of consciousness and spiritual practice, in a harmonious and effective manner. More on Paul
This workshop will take place via Zoom on Saturday, October 31st from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST
This workshop will also be live for those who are able to attend in the Sacred Valley of Peru
Total Cost: $50 USD to be submitted upon registration
What People Are Saying About Tantraya’s Workshops:
“I was fortunate enough to take the Beginners Guide To Alchemy workshop in Peru.
At the time, I had no idea that it would transform my life the way it did. I just thought it was interesting and cool.
By creating these herbal spagyrics (like tinctures but stronger) mixed up with my intentions, and the power of the plants and planets, I was guided into clearing blockages in my life that I suppressed so much that I thought it was normal to operate these ways.
The BIG ONE being the TRUST ISSUES I had, always operating with the idea that someone was going to harm me, talk behind my back, or trick me (like always).... Gosh, to realize that, let it go and to express myself authentically afterward, trusting in the process of life. I’m good. And can testify the clearing is due to the application of this workshop.
It’s not a quickie, it takes some effort, a few minutes out of the day to reconnect to your intention, shake up your spagyric...and the magic slowly presents itself!
I’m Sooo glad TANTRAYA is providing this class on line so YOU ALL have a chance at creating and clearing your life in this ancient practice.
I am participating, and hope to see some of you there.
It’s really GOOD!!!
“I recently participated in Tantraya’s livestream Lucid Dreaming workshop. It was an incredibly interesting and eye opening full day, packed with fascinating topics, some of which delved into the history of dreams; traditional dreamwork; dream cycles and states of being, and how to navigate the dream world. The workshop was filled with tips, tricks and exercises which have aided and supported me on this journey of discovery and have helped me remain open to the teachings.
“Calling all Magicians! Herbalists! Astrologers! Psychonauts! Curious people!
When I was down in Peru at TANTRAYA, I was blessed to be introduced to the Alchemical insights and practices that create a synergistic experience of mind, body, and spirit and amplify connections to plant and herbal medicines. When working with these Alchemical medicines, you’re not only relating to the plants, minerals, and metals on a material level, but penetrating the deeper layers of their spirit and integrating their messages and wisdoms into your own being.
I’m trying to think of just one main aspect of this class that benefitted me, but really it was everything! From learning the hands-on procedures of creating Spagyrics to the internal meditations that allowed for a cohesive relationship between Self and plant spirit, this workshop is AMAZING!!
Lucky for you all! Tantraya is offering this workshop online!! If you have long been interested in the magick of Alchemy or want to deepen your understanding of plant medicines, check this course out.”