Ritual and Ceremonial Magick: A Five Course Study in the High Magical Arts, Hermetics and Alchemy- Classes 29-32

Ritual and Ceremonial Magick: A Five Course Study in the High Magical Arts, Hermetics and Alchemy- Classes 29-32


Magick is the Yoga of the West.

Whilst Asia has Buddhism, Taoism and Tantra, The Western hemisphere’s Path to liberation is via Magick, Alchemy, and Hermetics.

This ancient Path to Liberation stretches back to before the Dawn of Egypt in an unbroken stream and chain of Transmission, known as the Golden Chain of Homer.

Now you too can become part of this ancient Brotherhood of the Magi and learn the fundamental skills, practices and activities of those on the Path of Hermes.

Join Paul, an initiate in a large number of magical and mystical systems, as we explore the fundamental skills, practices and activities of the Ceremonial Magician!

You will learn

Course 1- (16 weeks)

Rituals of banishing, cleansing and purification

Magical Meditation

Working with the magical Breath

Magical Healing

Development of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience

Magical and spiritual Protection rites

Astral wandering and astral projection

Magical introspection, and the creation of the Black and White Mirrors of the Soul

Course 2-

Scrying and wandering in the Spirit realms

Identification of Spiritual Entities

Passwords, Signs and Magical Actions to pass easily through Astral Realms

Fundamentals of Tarot and Qabalah

Fundamentals of Spagyrics and Alchemy

This will be followed by a third level course as we study, practise and learn

Course 3-

Elemental Magick

Planterary Magick


Creation of Magickal Talismans

This course will be immediately followed by a fourth level course, consisting of more advanced trainings in

Course 4-

Egyptian Magic

Faery Magick

Dragon Magick


And Nine Weeks of Preparation , culminating in a profound, life changing Initiation Ceremony, out in the darkness of the forest.

This will lead onto a final course, in which we will focus our attention on the magical Grimoire tradition as we learn to work with the following magical systems…

Course 5-

Drawing Spirits into Crystals

The Nuctameron

The Heptemaron

The Red Crown of Thorns


This will then lead into a free (no charge) inner circle, whereby, as adepts, we will work through various system of our choice, in depth, until we have achieved the successes of that system. This process can remain on going, as we work more and more for the benefit of all sentient beings, guided by Beings of Light, The Path of Light, and the Brotherhood of Light, in Universal Service to All Sentient Beings.


  • This ongoing course can be attended in person, via livestream or as a digital download. Links will be sent via e-mail upon registration. Live Thursdays 9-12pm

  • Total Cost: $105 USD per 4-week class pack to be submitted upon registration

  • Classes 29 - 32 - Four Thursdays: January 25, February 22, March 7, and March 28 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. GMT-5

Message us through Facebook or Email with questions. We look forward to seeing you!
