Introduction To Buddhism - The Way of Enlightenment: Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism (Online Retreat, Live, February 21 - 23, 2025)

Introduction To Buddhism - The Way of Enlightenment: Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism (Online Retreat, Live, February 21 - 23, 2025)


In this class we will learn

The Way of the Buddha- His story, myths and life

Exploration of the Four Noble Truths

Explanation and Exploration of the Threefold Division of the Eightfold Noble Path- Discussions on morality/ethics/generosity/kindness in relation to Samadhi- and the Jhanas- Super-conscious states of being

Buddhist empowerments

Buddhist prānāyāma- Buddhist Breath Work

Buddhist Chanting- The Heart Sutra 

Heart based meditations- Metta Bhavana- Development of Loving Kindness and Tong-Len- the Practice of ‘Giving and Receiving’

Anāpānasatī- ‘Mindfulness of Breathing’ and introduction to Vipāssāna- ‘Insight’ meditation

This class meets:

Friday February 21st 3 - 5:30pm GMT-5

Saturday February 22nd 10:00am - 12:30pm and 3 - 5:30pm GMT-5

Sunday February 23rd 10:00am - 12:30pm and 3 - 5:30pm GMT-5


In this series of online retreats, we will explore in depth the power, wisdom and grace found within the World’s Wisdom Traditions.

Over the course of the following year, we will be guiding participants on an extraordinary journey.

From fundamental building blocks, to in-depth exploration, we shall learn to work with, utilise and be transformed by magick, meditation and mysticism.

These 3 traditions have been engaged with for millennia to guide the students to a place of Liberation and Inner Peace.

Now you too can begin to explore these rich, profound, and extraordinary schools, with an experienced guide and mentor.

Whilst the 3 schools that we will work with appear to be different on the outside, as we come closer and more ‘inside the gate’, we shall begin to realise how each tradition works with very similar methodologies, ideas and even similar techniques and practices.

Each weekend is complete unto itself. However, students will receive most benefit from participating in all three weekends for a particular course (Buddhism, Daoism or Tantra) and will receive a generous discount to reflect this.

Likewise, should one wish to sign up for all three weekends for all three schools, a further discount will be given.

This is a chance to go very deep, within the comfort of your own home.

We do, however suggest that you take the retreat aspect seriously, and will avoid the temptation to engage in ‘worldly’ behaviour during these courses. Rather, we hope, that you will recognise the Sacred nature of our endeavour, and will give time, and space for just this during our time together. Silence is suggested, as is a weekend away from phones and screens (other than our meetings!)

Each weekend in each course will go deeper than the last. However this doesn’t make it better- we must have a firm foundation in ‘basics’ before moving on to further practices, or our ‘house’ will not be solid. Likewise, practices build upon each other, such that if one engages the practices, concepts and ideas from the first class, then the second will be considerably richer than if you jump in at class 2, or 3. We will however permit this, given the complicated nature of today’s scheduling.

If one WAS to engage all three weekends, in any given course, you would be very saturated with the energies of that class/tradition and will henceforth be able to utilise these practices for many years to come.

In the course of these retreats you will receive transmissions and empowerments and will learn to contact the Masters of that School. With their help, we are able to progress upon the Path with ease.

You will be introduced to a variety of consciousness-expanding technologies, from auditory and visual meditation systems, to spells and magick in others.

We will cover a very broad range of practices and will learn to develop the various types of ’skill’, or ’siddhi’, if you prefer. This is the direct experience and application of meditative attainment. With practise, you will become familiar with the extraordinary…

Please join us for this fundamentally life-transforming year of Retreat.