My Time at Tantraya | Danny A.

Arriving here is refreshing, like stepping into a brand new timeline. The space here is familiar and welcoming; with warm loving friends who make me feel at home. I recognize the amount of open space available to acclimate to BEing, as in the States I was continuously consumed with busy-doing. I feel a crisp fresh energy here that encourages freedom to create and learn consciously. Each day supports lessons worth cultivating, whether it be energy work with chi gong and practice for internal alchemy or how to be a loving caregiver for little ones or how to create nourishing meals that the body wants- it really depends on what one desires to work on.

My intention, the calling, is to be with Mother Ayahuasca. I come to ceremony at Tantraya because the sacred space that Paul Diamond and Dan Nash create is safe and loving to open up and dive into those deep hidden dark parts of me that seek transmutation and liberation. Each ceremony- a puja to connect with Ganesha, Kali, and Shiva; to assist with our intended individualized work. Each ceremony is unique with its own energy signature, brilliantly braided with yours. What I find very special is the small groups in ceremony. It’s intimate. Paul and the Trusted Facilitators are able to provide and assist with personalized energy work at a profound level. I am grateful for the clearings.

The work goes hand in hand with Chi Gong and Taoist understandings. Practice in the morning after ceremony helps me ground and integrate the healing and teachings of Ayahuasca. Paul crafts a unique regiment, dependent on what the group calls for. I’m amazed by the new knowledge; I can curate a practice to self-heal, regulate, and expand my energy.

During the December retreat, I’d like to send gratitude, respect, and love to Megan Katherine, Osegi La Hei, Avalon Roza, and Otto Nordenskiöld. These people are extraordinary facilitators that work in the Scared Valley and they really helped me through some challenging times in my process. I am cared for on retreat. All the meals are nourishing and made with love. All the meals are vegan and accommodate to my needs- so grateful for those gluten free breakfasts. At Tantraya, I was first served tobacco juice in place of rapé. I found that it really helps with clearing and grounding, I especially love it after ceremony. I love it here, these last three months are so special to me. I am grateful for everyone that gathers here, as they teach one another and are beautiful mirrors reflecting soul.

Daniel Nash